OpenAltaRica tools

1- OpenAltaRica Tools installation

1.1 - Automatic installation

System-Analyst can automaticaly install OpenAltaRica 3.0 tools from the official website
To automaticaly install these tools, go to Help → About OpenAltaRica tools. You have to get the window hereafter.

Click to start the installation.

Sometimes, this automatic installation will failled due to the prensence of a compagny firewall for instance.
So, in this case, you have to install manualy these OAR tools.

1.2 - Manual OpenAltaRica Tools installation

1.2.1 - Introduction

System-Analyst can automaticaly install OpenAltaRica 3.0 tools from the official website
Sometimes, this automatic installation will failled due to the presence of a compagny firewall.
So, in this case, you have to install manualy these OAR tools.

To install OpenAltaRica tools manualy, you have to follow the 2 steps described hereafter:

  1. Tools downloading;
  2. Prevuousily dowloaded files extraction to the correct directory.

1.2.2- Tools downloading

Go to the OpenAltaRica website at this address
Fill all inputs in the form bellow and click on "Access to downloads".

You will be redirected ​to the page hereafter.

Now, you have to download the 3 single tools:

1.2.3- Prevuousily dowloaded files extraction to the correct directory

After downloading, go to the directory which contains the 3 previously downloaded files.
For each downloaded file, extract them to the directory : SYSTEM-ANALYST-DIRECTORY\extern\win32\OARTools.

This directory has to be such as the picture hereafter.

1.2.4- Finaly

Launch System-Analyst and go to Help → About OpenAltaRica tools.
You have to get this window.

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