OpenAltaRica tools
1- OpenAltaRica Tools installation
1.1 - Automatic installation
System-Analyst can automaticaly install OpenAltaRica 3.0 tools from the official website
To automaticaly install these tools, go to Help → About OpenAltaRica tools. You have to get the window hereafter.
Click to start the installation.
Sometimes, this automatic installation will failled due to the prensence of a compagny firewall for instance.
So, in this case, you have to install manualy these OAR tools.
1.2 - Manual OpenAltaRica Tools installation
1.2.1 - Introduction
System-Analyst can automaticaly install OpenAltaRica 3.0 tools from the official website
Sometimes, this automatic installation will failled due to the presence of a compagny firewall.
So, in this case, you have to install manualy these OAR tools.
To install OpenAltaRica tools manualy, you have to follow the 2 steps described hereafter:
- Tools downloading;
- Prevuousily dowloaded files extraction to the correct directory.
1.2.2- Tools downloading
Go to the OpenAltaRica website at this address
Fill all inputs in the form bellow and click on "Access to downloads".
You will be redirected to the page hereafter.
Now, you have to download the 3 single tools:
- AltaRica 3.0 Compiler → Windows 64 bits
- GTS Fault Tree Compiler → Windows 64 bits
- GTS Stepper → Windows 64 bits
1.2.3- Prevuousily dowloaded files extraction to the correct directory
After downloading, go to the directory which contains the 3 previously downloaded files.
For each downloaded file, extract them to the directory : SYSTEM-ANALYST-DIRECTORY\extern\win32\OARTools.
This directory has to be such as the picture hereafter.
1.2.4- Finaly
Launch System-Analyst and go to Help → About OpenAltaRica tools.
You have to get this window.
Backlinks: index:Getting Started